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Corbin Educational Center

The Corbin Educational Center hosts several educational services:

   - Homework Base Program for schoolchildren
   - Youth services
   - The Summer Activities Program
   - End-of-the-Year Picnic
   - Computer Learning Center
   - GED program
   - Literacy program

The Homework Base Program is available to children in grades K–8 who reside in Asselta Acres. The Program currently serves 45 students. Two New Jersey state certified teachers are present Monday through Thursday from 4 to 6 PM to assist children when necessary with their homework and project assignments. This year, the hours of operation for the Homework Base Program have changed from 4:30–6:30 to 4:00–6:00 p.m. to accommodate the new dismissal times for the elementary and middle schools of Vineland.

Youth services are provided to approximately 50 students, ages 5–17. Various events are scheduled through the year for the children, such as: Halloween parties, drawings for free turkeys at Thanksgiving, Christmas concerts, plays, pizza parties, Easter egg hunts, rewards for good report cards, etc. The trips are used as incentives for displaying good behavior, completing homework assignments, daily attendance in the Program, and using agendas. Students must bring in their report cards quarterly. Copies are placed in their files in the main office. Each child's progress is noted in their file. Daily attendance is taken in all youth programs.

The Summer Activities Program is an eight-week “camp” for children in grades K–8 who live in one of the Authority’s properties. The program runs from the first week of July through the second week in August. We have a staff of certified teachers and teachers’ aides. The program hosts approximately 45 children and offers such outdoor activities as swimming, basketball, kickball, hockey, dodgeball, volleyball, and soccer. Indoor activities include arts and crafts, a book club, games and board games.

Field trips are another enjoyable part of the Corbin experience. We take the children to the movies and swimming, and various points of interest in the surrounding area, such as the Vineland Fire Department, Vineland City Hall, Vineland Library, and the Cape May County Zoo.

Computer Learning Center

The Computer Learning Center is open year-round. Our winter hours are 3:00–6:00 PM, Monday through Thursday during the school year. Friday hours are 2:00–5:00 PM. The CLC serves approximately 50 students. Internet access is properly secured and is available to all registered students. The CLC is also open when the schools have half-day sessions and during winter break.

Because of the sizes of the All-Purpose Room and the Computer Center, we are well equipped to handle a variety of events. In addition to the FSS workshops, we also host other computer and informational workshops for our children and the families of Asselta Acres. For example, computer workshops have been held at our CLC for our residents, senior citizens, and children. Cumberland County College has conducted a computer camp in August for the past few years at no cost to VHA or to the families. The camp was made available to middle and high-school students who reside here. CCC provides free instruction and lunch to the participants.

St. Augustine Preparatory High School hosted a “Senior Citizens Computer Workshop”, including “How to Use the Internet.” The seven-day workshop offered morning and afternoon sessions. The young men enjoyed teaching, showing, and interacting with our senior citizens and the seniors learned about using computers and the Internet.

Community Programs

Family Self-Sufficiency is provided through the VHA social worker. We also offer Life Skills workshops. These workshops educate participants on budget management/repair, employment readiness, and introduction to college. The workshops also encompass a “Train-the-Trainer” program. The budget and money management portions of the workshops are run by a credit counseling agency. The workshops are held on Saturdays.

Workshops conducted by the Vineland Education Association have been held at the Corbin Educational Center for the residents of Asselta Acres who have children in the Vineland Public Schools. The idea behind the FAST (Families and Schools Together) workshops is: “If the parents/families can't come to us, we will go to them!” A total of six sessions were held at the Corbin Center. Dinner and babysitting services are provided by VEA at no cost to VHA or the families. Information is exchanged along with role-playing by the teachers and the parents. Translators are present to assist our Spanish-only residents. Good turnouts with positive results! The Cumberland County Extension Service has also conducted Nutrition Workshops at our site for the residents of Asselta Acres.

The Literacy Program has been in existence for three years at the Corbin Educational Center. The Cumberland County Literacy Institute provides a literacy volunteer who has been trained by the CCLI. The coordinator of CCLI meets with future students and matches up students with literacy volunteers. We are very pleased to make this program available to our residents.

In the future, the Vineland Housing Authority will continue to look for avenues to assist its residents in utilizing the Corbin Educational Center as its facility of the future.